We have all heard of asbestos. It’s a natural mineral used in construction, especially for making fireproof materials. Although it is banned now, it was previously a popular product for both industrial and commercial reasons. At the same time, asbestos may be long gone now but has left lingering effects behind, one of those being an aggressive type of cancer called mesothelioma.
This form of cancer starts growing in the lining of specific organs, most commonly the heart. As a result, administering and receiving treatment both become challenging, which is one of the reasons why the window of survival when it comes to recovering from this type of cancer is highly minimal. So, whether you’re reading on mesothelioma for yourself or someone else, here is everything you need to know about cancer:
As per its medical definition, mesothelioma is a type of cancer that occurs in the thin layer of tissue covering the internal organs. Our organs are fragile, they’re working systematically, and any disruption to this system causes our body to go into disarray.
Asbestos-induced mesothelioma is an aggressive and fatal type of cancer. The cause of this cancer is inhaling microfibers of asbestos which slowly builds up in our system. Unfortunately, it takes 10 to 50 years for the symptoms to begin to make themselves known. Anytime you feel your body feels wrecked and unusual, you should get help and not try to remedy the situation by yourself. Cancer needs immediate medical intervention so that the cells can get eliminated before they take root and spread themselves throughout your body.
1. What Are The Symptoms Of Mesothelioma?
The signs and symptoms of mesothelioma vary from where cancer has seeped in. If you have it in your lungs, you will feel the effects such as severe chest pain, pain while coughing. You may even experience shortness of breath and unusual lumps under your skin. However, if you happen to have it in your abdomen, you will experience a different set of symptoms. There will be unexpected weight loss, nausea, and abdominal swelling. The mutual symptoms you’ll feel in all mesothelioma cases are severe pain. It is why you can’t stick to home remedies to help them subside and need a doctor.
2. When Do I See A Doctor?
It would help if you saw a doctor when you start getting symptoms of mesothelioma. The symptoms can happen all at once, or you may never detect that you have cancer. Maybe you go in thinking you’re coming down with a stroke. With mesothelioma, you may start feeling pangs of pain and should inform you that you need a doctor right away. If you also learn that you have copious amounts of asbestos at home, you should immediately seek a doctor.
3. Is There Treatment For Mesothelioma?
Since this is an aggressive form of cancer, no treatment can completely help you get rid of it. However, there are measures in place that can help you contain the tumor. Your doctor may start you on chemotherapy and radiation to help. You may even be on painkillers to manage the pain. Although these measures may help with cancer, they don’t need to help cure you of mesothelioma.
4. What Are Other Sources Of Mesothelioma?
Most cases of mesothelioma stem from asbestos exposure. However, other contributing factors can stir up these cells in you. They are as follows:
It is another mineral similar to asbestos and is also notable for exposing people to asbestos. It is a common component in several products, such as detergents and makeup.
Exposure to Radiation
If you have continuous exposure to radiation, from X-rays, etc., the chance of developing cancer is extremely high.
If you are a construction worker, the chances of you getting mesothelioma are high. As a construction worker, you may have exposure to high levels of asbestos in the products. Although asbestos is no longer in use, you may come across other minerals such as zeolite. So, take care of yourself at work!
With age, your body starts slowing down, including your immune system. There is no point in hiding pain and discomfort and holding on to diseases for no reason. You are more susceptible to illnesses as you get older.
Genetics. Although this is rare, it is still taken into consideration while discussing mesothelioma. There is a rare form of gene mutation which introduces cancer cells into your system. This mutation induces normal body cells to grow into cancer. However, it’s rare, and you don’t need to worry about it much.
Wrap Up
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that one takes its effect on, is aggressive, and has no treatment as of yet. The symptoms of this cancer are painful and can take a toll on your body. The most you can do with most cancers is watch your health and lifestyle while showing up for treatment. It is crucial because you can’t allow cancer to seep in deep. Not only will it think to make you weaker, but it will also make it difficult for you to keep up with the demands of your disease. If you’re unsure when you should see a doctor, it is always a good idea when the pain strikes up instead of letting it fester longer. It will also help if you move out of an asbestos-filled house or seek professional help to take care of your asbestos problem.